Thursday 7 November 2013

little busy bee

And so another week has been and gone, and the time that I have left in Denmark continues to become shorter and shorter. This weekend I think that the realisation that I am soon going home will hit me, as I have my final get together with all the exchange students in Denmark. For some, this may be the last time I see many of them so there will be a lot of tears, and reminiscing about the year that will always be the best year of our lives. But before I become more emotional in this blog post, I better tell you all about my awesome weekend! I apologise, as this blog post will not have many pictures as my mac is in overload with the thousands (no exaggeration) that I have taken in the last year. 

On Friday after finishing my presentation on the stolen generations (which went well) I was on cloud nine and this was heightened by a trip to Tivoli with two of my favourite Aussie girls. Of course i have been to tivoli a lot... and its probably the only thing i talk about in my blog but it is just one of the most magical places in the entire world. As it is now October, Tivoli is decked out with pumpkins, cobwebs and creepy things in honour of HALLOWEEN! It was so beautiful and magical in the lights and ahhhh i just love Tivoli. We took our last rides on so many rides as for christmas they are all closed. We headed home at like 10 30 as the rain and the cold got the better of us. It was a really really hyggelit night and Tivoli was just so magical. There were so so many pumpkins in there as well! I think there were over 1000. It was truly amazing and increased my love for Tivoli so much more

Halloween Tivoli! 

On Saturday morning I didn't get a sleep in as I was up and on a hunting expedition with a lady in my Rotary clubs husband. Hunting is something that I NEVER imagined myself doing... but I thought when in Denmark I may as well just try every opportunity that comes your way. So we went hunting through a beautiful forrest in the neighbouring town to Roskilde. There was a group of hunters who gather once a year and it was really nice to meet all of them. After some coffee and fresh crossants, we were out on our expedition. The weather was nice, and it wasn't too cold. It was a little scary to be there with a group of men holding guns. There was an eery feeling in the forest, as we had to be quiet. There were 3 dogs with us, and I got to hold one of them. They let them off, and they scared off all of the birds in the forest. They shot 3 in the first round. It was a little confronting to see and hear the guns being fired... and of course hear the gun shots of hunters in the next forest over. We moved onto the next part, and two deers were shot. I have never even seen a live deer before so it was a little confronting that my first deer was a dead one. I didn't shoot anything, I just watched and experienced the hunting. I was grateful for this actually! We had a drink break, and headed out again. The forrest was beautiful, and it was nice to walk through all the autumn leaves. We finished the day at around 1pm and the total was 3 deers and 3 birds. A good hunting haul for the day. I had a hyggelit day, although it was a little confronting. I think it was my first and last time hunting. After, we had lunch all together and it was really nice.

After hunting, I came home jumped in the shower and went to one of my Danish friends 18th birthdays! The girls in my class had a 'warm up hygge' before, which was really nice. We got ready together and ate some pizza. I love this about Denmark and danish culture and it is something that I will really miss when I go back to Australia. We played some games and were then ready to go to the party. The party was held in a small hall in Roskilde. It was really hyggelit and I had a lot of fun. I love Danish fests especially 18th ones!!  

On Sunday, I had a day with my host family. My year in Denmark has included a lot of firsts, but one of the most exciting was carving my very first halloween pumpkin! After seeing these in the movies, I have ALWAYS wanted to try but it is not so typical in Australia. In Denmark however it is really popular, as it is so cold and wet outside and the little candle light in the pumpkin head makes everything that much more hyggelit. I made them with my host sister Julia and it was harder than it looked! But it was a lot of fun!

After this, we went into Copenhagen as a family where I got to experiance Danish autumn in the space of a few hours. We drove to a beautiful big park just on the outskirts of Copenhagen. This is the home to the theme park Bakken, which holds the oldest roller coaster in the world. Unfortunately I never got to experience this theme park- but that just gives me another reason to come back to Denmark I suppose ;) The theme park is now closed, but it was cool to see some of the rides... They do look pretty cool. The purpose of this little field trip was to go for the annual Sunday stroll in a beautiful park in Denmark. It was so beautiful with all the autumn colours on the trees, it is so different to the scale of Autumn that we have in Australia! It was so beautiful and I finally saw a live deer! After the walk, (in the rainy weather- love denmark ;) ) we went to Tivoli for a little bit to see Halloween. It was good that I was there on Friday as the weather wasn't the best. We bought some føldeballer and ate dinner with my host sister who lives in Copenhagen.

Autumn in Denmark! 

The rest of the week involved school. On Monday however, we had one of the biggest storms in Danish history. It resembled one in Australia. It was INSANE! There were trees blown over, wild waves ripping up the coast and a little damage to my host famalies summer house. I thought it was very funny though, as being a small country, the storm impacted the whole of Denmark within the space of a few hours. This is just unheard of in Australia as only one specific area is affected. Danes didn't really know how to respond to this wild weather, and the country went into turmoil... The trains stopped working and people couldn't get to work. It was pretty crazy. 
Read about what happened: (of course it is in english ;) ) 

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