Thursday 12 September 2013

Er I rigtig bad til English nu?

So as I enter further into the Danish language, it seems that my English skills are in decline- like a lot.... of course I can still speak English and of course you can still hear my charming Australian accent but actually thinking and writing passable english phrases is becoming more difficult (thought id never ay that!) 
Call me crazy but I have now actually started thinking in Danish, because it speak it all the time. So when presented the task of writing a horror story in English I decided it was time to revisit some of the 'skills' that I had developed throughout enduring Advanced English for the HSC..... 
So i wrote a pretty decent story that I was happy with. I managed to pump it out in just an hour and just turned it in, happy and satisfied that it took me such a short amount of time. I was expecting a pretty decent mark because HELLO I can speak English and this task should be really really simple. However this comment shattered all of my hopes, dreams and aspirations and even made me question how well I know my own language, from someone whose first language isn't even English 

It seems my grammatical errors of not placing a comma after the speech marks were what caused me to recieve this mark...
So for all those English speakers out there who may not be aware when writing a story WATCH OUT WITH YOUR COMMAS! or you too may be accussed of not knowing your language 
(i think ill write my uni stuff in Danish next year) 

So this is how my week started, but since then it has improved! 
Denmark is now shifting from actually really nice weather to cold windy rainy days. This makes it really hard to dress, as you never know if you will freeze to death, or die of sweat. This bipolar weather has meant that sickness has been going around, and it seemed to find its way to me on Monday. I'm now feeling a little better- but still sound like a croaky old frog which makes my danish sound even funnier. 

It's hard for me to comprehend that yesterday marked the 4 month mark in Denmark... meaning 4 months until I am home. This time in 4 months I will be on a plane, probablly still balling my eyes out, yet paradoxically (big word- i still can speak english ;) ) excited to see my family and friends again. This realisation that my time is running out has made me ensure that i pack my weekends, days, hours, minuets and seconds with Danish fun! 

So....Last weekend I joined my third host family on a tour to their summer house. Their summer house is located about an hour from Roskilde in a town called Næstville (Pronounced like Nextvil in English) 
I had a really great weekend up there and the weather was really nice, so we played some card games until 1am in the morning, played a danish game called Kong Spille (Kings Game- really hard to explain) and just had fun spending some time together. 
On the way to their summer house on Friday night, we stopped at a museum called Artkin for the opening of a new exhabition featuring the paintings of a mexican lady. This was really cool to see and the museum was very modern and of course the paintings and artworks featured were really beautiful! I had a really great weekend! 

This week has been relatively normal as I settle back into the routine of 6:30am to 15:50 finishing days at school. This morning however my whole class was at school at 07:15am to pack away the stools after an event. My class are the help class and they do things like this throughout the year to earn money for their study tour. It can actually be very hyggelit and this morning we all got some breakfast after our hard work. Im now in maths.... really bored..... so hellooooo blog ;) 

On Friday I think i will also go to Tivoli for my last even Fredags Rock concert. I am sad to say that this weekend is the last I can go to Tivoli until October because it will close as Denmark becomes really really cold. I will also be in Tivoli on Sunday with my third host family who are taking me to see a Hans Christain Anderson 3D show- should be really fun! Saturday I think ill finally check out the Roskilde Viking Museum! After all how I have been here 8 months and not seen it?! 
And then the next weekend I have a rotary get together with my district so i will finaly get to meet all of the new exchange students. We will do things like Zumba and go exploring in the town which we are going too. Then the weekend after that im off to my 3rd and last host family! But no sooner have I moved in, I'm off to Club Le Santa and Madrid for 13 days! I'm sooo excited :D and with that, it will be the end of October and the start of November- how can that even be possible?!?! 

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