Sunday, 20 January 2013

A little exploring...

Woke up this morning to see the sun shining through my bedroom window. Was a pleasant surprise as I have been told that it rains a heck of a lot in Denmark. It was a beautiful day though!  and if it werne't for the snow i would think that i was back home in Australia.

So I rugged up in my new winter coat and boots (rocking the eskimo look) and was ready for a day of sightseeing in this beautiful country! We drove about an hour to get to our destination-Hamlet's castle. Along the way, I enjoyed the beautiful countryside. The Danish forests are just divine and the snow makes everything a thousand times better.  Also saw a few bizare sights (people rollerblading/skiing to work-WHAT?!)

Anyway, eventually arrived at Hamlet's castle and it was breath taking. To think that it was built some 300 years ago by hand is just incredible. The detail in the woodwork and bricks was unbelievable! (although it was freezing as they didn't think to put in some heating). The chapel building was by far my favourite. It was once where the royal family had all their services so you can imagine the detail! It was just perfect and it really did take my breath away. Again the surrounding snow just made it more magical and as many of you know I do have a soft spot for Shakespeare. The history side of it was also interesting. I am amazed at how much history surrounds Denmark. It is so interesting and I am loving exploring and learning about all of the cool places in this wonderful country! This particular castle was built when the coast of Sweden was apart of Denmark. It was designed to stop enemy ships from entering and was once a navy base up until 1990.

The castle's location was also spectacular. It was right on the coast of Denmark. You can actually see Sweden there.  I can not believe how close it is. I am told that if the water was frozen enough, we could have ice skated there! UNBELIEVABLE! I am still wrapping my head around the Geography of Europe. It takes three hours to drive from one end of Denmark to the other- that is just INSANE!

We stopped for lunch at a beautiful old Danish inn. It had so much character, and was filled with 'hunting trophies' which are something that i have never seen before. The snow looked like table cloths on the outside tables! it was really really lovely. I tried a traditional Danish seafood sandwhich (Danish bread is so good). It was fish, prawns, some really really good sauce that i can not pronounce and caviar. Was a little hesitant on the caviar- but when in Denmark DO AS THE DANES DO! The desert was also a traditional Danish cake made of almond base- apparently it is eaten on New Years Eve. It was delicious!

The sun was setting as we left the restraunt at 4, still finding that a little strange.
Drove a different way home along the coast. Was beautiful.

Arrived home, helped cook dinner and then sat down to watch Denmark play European handball! They won! Have also been watching the Aussie open, so home doesn't feel that far away right now. Although it will tomorrow, as according to the weather it is said to feel like it is -20 degrees. FUN TIMES!

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